Friday, October 20, 2006

My In T View with Mr. Ghost

Here's a shameless piece of self-promotion.

I ran across Mr. Ghost's blog
"In T View" by chance earlier this fall. After a few emails we added each other to our respective blog rolls. You can find his on the right side of my blog at the bottom of my links list.

Mr. G asked to interview about my time in Iraq and sent the questions. It was quite an extensive set of questions ranging from how and why I returned, what it was like and why I photograph conflict. It took me a few days to answer all of them and get them back to him.

Hopefully I answered them logically.

Anyway, read the interview and let me know what you think.


Bill Putnam Photo said...

No problem, Jeffrey. My pleasure. Pass the word along.


Mister Ghost said...

Hi Bil,
It was a great In T View. Thanks very much for doing it.

Anonymous said...

that's good shit, very honest and very even.